In August of 2013, in the Philippines – a country with alarming rates of malnutrition, a group of farmers tore down the fence of a developing rice field, and… destroyed the harvest. This rampage was not motivated by hunger but rather an act of rage and activism against Genetically Modified crops [6]. The rice field served as a beta test site for the development of a genetically modified rice crop, branded to improve widespread malnutrition for rice-dependent diets. So how could a movement backed by a seemingly positive intent bring about such resistance and outrage? This question lies at the heart of one of the most debated controversies in modern day agriculture: genetically modified organisms.The encyclopedia Britannica defines a genetically modified organism (GMO) as an “organism whose genome has been engineered in order to favor the expression of desired physiological traits or the generation of desired biological products.” In simpler terms, and in the scope of agriculture, genetic modification allows for desirable traits to be added or enhanced by insertion into the DNA sequence.
While genetic engineering has existed in many industries, across many decades, with little concern, the implementation of genetic modification within food and agriculture has amassed widespread controversy [2]. In short, the genetic modification of plants follows the following 4 steps:
Identification: trait of interest is identified based on agricultural needs and environment
Isolation: trait of interest is found in some foreign DNA and extracted
Insertion: trait of interest is introduced/inserted into the DNA of the genome (multiple methods for carrying out this transfer)
Propagation: plant is multiplied and grown (with desired trait)
The graphic to the right, by Anna Maurer, outlines this process in greater detail [7].
Figure by Anna Maurer, Harvard University: "The process of genetic engineering" [7]
History of Genetic Modification
While genetic modification might seem like a futuristic feat of modern science, the overarching concept of human involvement in leveraging desired traits is not new. Identification and development of desirable properties dates back to selective breeding (3). However, unlike breeding two well-producing cows and hoping for a milk maniac offspring, modern genetic engineering removes the uncertainty or guesswork as science can precisely choose the desired features.
BT Crops: Perhaps the most significant predatory threat to crops are insects. Conventionally, farmers have used strong pesticides to ward off such predators. However, genetic engineering has allowed scientists to develop crops that act as their own pesticide. Through isolating and inserting proteins that are harmful to insects, plants can virtually produce their own pesticide making it harmful when ingested by insects [3]. Therefore, GM crops designed to ward off insects are typically referred to as BT crops. This process is typically derived from the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis, a protective protein specifically catered to the digestive tract of insects [4]. While the idea of genetic modification might seem “unnatural” this process provides plants with a natural repellent to predatory insects without the need for chemical pesticides.
Herbicide Resistant Crops: While pesticides offer an efficient, affordable, and all too common solution to predatory insects and viruses, these powerful chemicals can affect plant development. Therefore, the other major use of genetic engineering in crops involves increased resistance to pesticides [4]. This solution allows farmers to use necessary pesticides to ward off predictors without harming or inhibiting plant growth. One of the most wide spread herbicides is derived from the chemical compound glyphosate and is found in most weed killing products. Glyphosate functions by inhibiting an enzyme that is necessary for plant growth. By engineering crop DNA with resistance to glyphosate, herbicides can effectively kill undesirable, non-protected predictors plants [5].
GM Crop Types
There are two main types of genetic modification in crops. Largely, both aim to enhance the plants resilience and therefore limit crop loss or waste. However, the approach and methodologies differ.
Potential Research Questions:
How have genetically modified crops grown in popularity over time? In the US? Globally?
How has the mainstream narrative on GM crops changed over time?
What cons or negative impacts do anti-GMO activists claim? Conversely, what are the benefits of GM crops according to supporters?
Do the rates of food-related allergens/intolerances correlate with GM crop prevelance?
Can we predict the GM stance of a document's "poster" based on textual evidence alone?
What are the driving factors behind the major social stigma surrounding wide spread use of genetic engineering in food and crops?
Can demographic and product/marketing data be leveraged to predict one's stance on GMO's?
How can scientific publications and public commentary be used to identify the common ground between the two feuding opinions? Similarly, what differences can help identify the root cause for contention?
Where do people gather health advice/information from most and how has this shaped their opinions on GMO's?
In a debate with many forces at play (well beyond simply science) what are the key indicators or metrics in predicting an individual's openness to genetic engineering?
Sources/References :
Kurzgesagt: Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food
Golden Rice:
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
2015 Publication declaired GMO's to be the debated topic with the largest gap between social and expert opinion
Figure from: Real Science, The Truth about GMO's [8]